
  • What happens if I forget my password?

    Click the Log-In tab and then click ’Forgot Password.’ Enter your information and Emotional ABCs will email password reset instructions to you. If you don’t see the email in your Inbox, be sure to check your spam folder.

  • I cannot see the “next" buttons. The center pane is running off the bottom of my browser.

    It sounds like your browser magnification/zoom is set at more than 100%. You will need to reset it to 100%. If this does not solve the problem, please contact us. Here are some helpful hints for adjusting the zoom setting on desktop browsers: i) Chrome browser: look for 3 vertical dots, located at the top and to the right of the url bar; adjust Zoom setting. You can also click on the Chrome tab (usually far top left), click on Preferences and find Zoom settings. ii) Safari browser: go to Safari tab (usually far top left), click on Preferences, click on the icon for ’Websites’ (it’s a globe), then choose Page Zoom settings. iii) Firefox: look for 3 small horizontal lines (hamburger menu) on top right of page; click on Preferences and look for Zoom setting.

  • When I log in there is nothing on my screen.

    Emotional ABCs is optimized only for Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Make sure you are using one of these browsers (Emotional ABCs does not work on Internet Edge/Explorer). If you are using an approved browser, try these actions: i) Clear your history and clear your cache. We might have updated our program and you will want to use our new information. ii) Update your browser. See if you are running the latest edition of your browser. You can usually do this by clicking on the Browser name (top left) and choosing ’About Google Chrome’ or ’About Firefox.’ Click on the Apple icon and go to App store to update Safari.

  • I don’t live in the U.S. Can I still get your programs?

    Of course! Emotional ABCs is now available in more than 100 countries. You can sign-up directly on our website using a credit card or Paypal. Our prices are in U.S. dollars, so your payment will be converted based on the current exchange rate when payment is made.

  • Do you have an app?

    Emotional ABCs is a “Web App.” This means it does not come from an App Store but adapts to run on most web browsers on your desktop or mobile device. Our program is optimized to display on Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari on most desktop and mobile devices. The program is not optimized for Internet Edge/Explorer.

  • Can I use the program on my tablet or phone?

    Yes, Emotional ABCs is optimized for most desktop and mobile devices on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers. The program is not optimized for Internet Edge/Explorer and is best viewed on a larger screen rather than a small phone.

  • Who do I contact about reviewing Emotional ABCs for my newspaper, magazine, or blog?

    Please contact Customer Service at Support[at] Be sure to include a link to your blog or website. A representative of Emotional ABCs will be happy to contact you.

  • Where can I see recent reviews?

    Up to the minute Parent and Teacher Reviews can be found on our Emotional ABCs Facebook page at